Jarrett이야기 - Discography
2012. 9. 22. 13:34
Keith Jarrett이란 재즈 피아니스트를 논하기엔 너무나 많은 노력이 필요한 것 같다. 아직은 그의 음악을 논할 단계는 아닌 듯 하여 우선은 그의 음반을 모아 보기로 한다.
●:CD, ■:Image, ▲:mp3
1962 (The age of 17)
- Don Jacoby - Swinging Big Sound (Decca DL 4241)
1966 (The age of 21)
- Art Blakey And The Jazz Messengers - Buttercorn Lady (Limelight LM 82034)
- Charles Lloyd - Dream Weaver (Atlantic LP 1459)
- Charles Lloyd Quartet Recorded In Concert - Flowering Of The Original (Atlantic SD 1586)
- Charles Lloyd - Forest Flower (Atlantic LP 1473)
- Charles Lloyd - Forest Flower: Sunrise c/w Sunset (Atlantic 5078)
- Charles Lloyd In Europe (Atlantic SD 1500)
- Charles Lloyd - Love-In (Atlantic LP 1481)
- Charles Lloyd - Journey Within (Atlantic LP 1493)
- Keith Jarrett - Life Between The Exit Signs (Vortex LP 2006) ■
- Chick Corea - Herbie Hancock - Keith Jarrett - McCoy Tyner (Atlantic SD 1696)
- Charles Lloyd In The Soviet Union (Atlantic SD 1571)
- Charles Lloyd Quartet In Concert - Parigi, 1967 (The Jazz Collection (It) JCD 03)
- V.A. - 1967 4th International Jazz Festival (Supraphon (Cz) SUA 15987)
- Keith Jarrett - Restoration Ruin (Vortex LP 2008) ▲
- Keith Jarrett - Somewhere Before (Vortex LP 2012)
- Keith Jarrett - My Back Pages c/w Lay Lady Lay (Vortex 45-303)
- Charles Lloyd - Soundtrack (Atlantic SD 1519)
1970 (The age of 25)
- Miles Davis - Get Up With It (Columbia KG 33236)
- Miles Davis - Directions (Columbia KC2 36472)
- Miles Davis - Live/Evil (Columbia G 30954)
- Miles Davis At Fillmore (Columbia G 30038)
- Gary Burton And Keith Jarrett (Atlantic SD 1577) ▲
- Barbara Massey/Ernie Calabria - Prelude To... (Cotillion SD 9044)
- Miles Davis - Spanish Key (Lunch For Your Ears (E) LFYE 001)
- V.A. - The First Great Rock Festivals Of The Seventies - Isle Of Wight - Atlanta Pop Festival (Columbia G3X 30805)
- Miles Davis - Fillmore West 10/17/'70 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 007)
- Marion Williams - Standing Here Wondering Which Way To Go (Atlantic SD 8289)
- Miles Davis - Lennies On The Turnpike '71 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 001/02)
- Donal Leace (Atlantic SD 7221)
- Keith Jarrett/Jack DeJohnette - Ruta And Daitya (ECM (G) 1021) ■
- Keith Jarrett - The Mourning Of A Star (Atlantic SD 1596) ■
- Keith Jarrett - El Juicio (The Judgement) (Atlantic SD 1673)
- Keith Jarrett - Birth (Atlantic SD 1612)
- Keith Jarrett - Expectations (Columbia KG 31580) ■
- LXXIV. Miles Davis Band - Miles Davis + Keith Jarrett Live (The Golden Age Of Jazz (It) JZCD 374)
- Miles Davis - Neue Stadthalle, Switzerland 10/22/'71 (Jazz Masters (G) JM 008/09)
- Miles Davis - Another Bitches Brew (Jazz Door (G) JD 1284/85)
- Miles Davis - Two Miles Live (Discurios (It) DIS 201 LP)
- Miles Davis - Berlin And Beyond (Lunch For Your Ears (E) LFYE 006/07)
- Miles Davis In Sweden 1971 (Miles MD 1)
- Keith Jarrett - Facing You (ECM (G) 1017) ■
- Hooray For Miles Davis, Vol. 3 (Session Disc 123)
- Airto - Free (CTI 6020)
- Airto - Free (CTI/Associated ZK 40927)
- Freddie Hubbard - Sky Dive (CTI 6018)
- Paul Motian - Conception Vessel (ECM (G) 1028)
- V.A. - NDR Jazz Workshop '72 (Norddeutscher Rundfunk)
- Keith Jarrett - Fort Yawuh (Impulse AS 9240) ■
- Keith Jarrett - The Impulse Years, 1973-1974 (Impulse IMPD 5-237)
- V.A. - Impulse! Artists On Tour (Impulse AS 9264)
- Keith Jarrett - In The Light (ECM (G) 1033/34) ■
- Keith Jarrett - Solo Concerts Bremen/Lausanne (ECM (G) 1035/37) ■
- Keith Jarrett - Treasure Island (Impulse AS 9274)
- Lee Konitz - Chet Baker - Keith Jarrett Quintet (Jazz Connoisseur (Israel) JC 113)
- V.A. - NDR Jazz Workshop '74 (Norddeutscher Rundfunk)
- Jan Garbarek/Keith Jarrett - Belonging (ECM (G) 1050) ●
- Keith Jarrett/Jan Garbarek - Luminessence (ECM (G) 1049)
- Keith Jarrett - Death And The Flower (Impulse AS 9301) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Backhand (Impulse AS 9305)
1975 (The age of 30)
- Keith Jarrett - The Koln Concert (ECM (G) 1064/65) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Mysteries (Impulse AS 9315)
- Kenny Wheeler - Gnu High (ECM (G) 1069)
- Keith Jarrett - Arbour Zena (ECM (G) 1070)
- Keith Jarrett - Shades (Impulse ASD 9322)
- Charlie Haden - Closeness (Horizon 11)
- Keith Jarrett - The Survivors' Suite (ECM (G) 1085)
- Keith Jarrett - Staircase (ECM (G) 1090/91)
- Keith Jarrett - Eyes Of The Heart (ECM (G) 1150)
- Keith Jarrett - Hymns/Spheres (ECM (G) 1086/87) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Byablue (Impulse AS 9331)
- Keith Jarrett - Sun Bear Concerts (ECM (G) 1100) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Bop-Be (Impulse IA 9334)
- Gary Peacock - Tales Of Another (ECM (G) 1101)
- Keith Jarrett/Dennis Russell Davies - Ritual (ECM (G) 1112)
- Keith Jarrett - Vermont Solo (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - My Song (ECM (G) 1115)
- Keith Jarrett - Personal Mountains (ECM (G) 1382)
- Keith Jarrett - Nude Ants: Live At The Village Vanguard (ECM (G) 1171/72)
- Keith Jarrett - Invocations/The Moth And The Flame (ECM (G) 1201/02)
- Scott Jarrett - Without Rhyme Or Reason (Arista/GRP 5007)
1980 (The age of 35)
- Keith Jarrett - The Celestial Hawk (ECM (G) 1175)
- Keith Jarrett - G.I. Gurdjieff: Sacred Hymns (ECM (G) 1174)
- Keith Jarrett - Concerts (ECM (G) 1227/29)
- Keith Jarrett - Standards, Vol. 1 (ECM (G) 1255) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Standards, Vol. 2 (ECM (G) 1289) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Changes (ECM (G) 1276)
- Arvo Part: Tabula Rasa (ECM (G) 1275)
- Keith Jarrett Last Solo (VideoArts Music (J))
1985 (The age of 40)
- Keith Jarrett - Tokyo Music Joy '85-'87 (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - Standards (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - Spirits (ECM (G) 1333/34) ■
- Keith Jarrett - Standards Live (ECM (G) 1317)
- Keith Jarrett - Lou Harrison (Music Masters)
- Keith Jarrett - Still Live (ECM (G) 1360/61) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Book Of Ways (ECM (G) 1344/45)
- Keith Jarrett - Standards, II (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - J.S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Buch I (ECM (G) 1362/63)
- Keith Jarrett - Dark Intervals (ECM (G) 1379)
- Keith Jarrett - Solo Tribute (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - Changeless (ECM (G) 1392) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Paris Concert (ECM (G) 1401) ●
- Keith Jarrett - J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations (ECM (G) 1395) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Standards In Norway (ECM (G) 1542)
- Keith Jarrett - Tribute (ECM (G) 1420/21)
- Keith Jarrett - Alan Hovhaness: Lousadzak For Piano And Orchestra (Music Masters)
1990 (The age of 45)
- Keith Jarrett - The Cure (ECM (G) 1440)
- Keith Jarrett - J.S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, Buch II (ECM (G) 1433/34)
- Keith Jarrett - Vienna Concert (ECM (G) 1481) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Dmitri Shostakovich: 24 Preludes And Fugues Op. 87 (ECM (G) 1469/70)
- Keith Jarrett - J.S. Bach: The French Suites (ECM (G) 1513/14)
- Kim Kashkashian/Keith Jarrett - J.S. Bach: 3 Sonaten Fur Viola Da Gamba Und Cembalo (ECM (G) 1501)
- Keith Jarrett - Bye Bye Blackbird (ECM (G) 1467) ●
- Keith Jarrett - Peggy Glanville-Hicks: Etruscan Concerto (Music Masters)
- Keith Jarrett - At The Deer Head Inn (ECM (G) 1531)
- Keith Jarrett - Bridge Of Light (ECM (G) 1450)
- Keith Jarrett Live At Open Theater East 1993 (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - G.F. Handel: Suites For Keyboard (ECM (G) 1530)
- Keith Jarrett At The Blue Note: The Complete Recordings (ECM (G) 1575/80) ●
- Keith Jarrett - W.A. Mozart: Piano Concertos, Masonic Funeral Music, Symphony In G Minor (ECM (G) 1565/66)
1995 (The age of 50)
- Keith Jarrett - La Scala (ECM (G) 1640)
- Keith Jarrett Trio Concert 1996 (VideoArts Music (J))
- Keith Jarrett - Tokyo '96 (ECM (G) 1666)
- Keith Jarrett - W.A. Mozart: Piano Concertos, Adagio And Fugue (ECM (G) 1624/25)
- Keith Jarrett - The Melody At Night, With You (ECM (G) 1675) ■
- Keith Jarrett - Whisper Not (ECM (G) 1724/25)
2000 (The age of 55)
- Keith Jarrett - Inside Out (ECM (G) 1780)
- Keith Jarrett - Always Let Me Go (ECM (G) 1800/01)
- Keith Jarrett - The Out-Of-Towners (ECM (G) 1900)
- Keith Jarrett - Up For It (ECM (G) 1860)
- Keith Jarrett - Carnegie Hall Concert (ECM (G) ) ▲
- Keith Jarrett - Setting Standards 3Cds ( ) ▲
- Keith Jarrett - Yesterdays ( ) ▲
- Keith Jarrett - Mysteries: The Impulse Years, 1975-1976 (Impulse IMPD 4-189)